Barb's Dog Rescue is a haven for the street dogs and puppies of Rocky Point.
Shop through Amazon Smile instead of regular Amazon and choose Barb's rescue to send a donation of 0.5% of every eligible purchase at NO extra cost-- please click this link
Buy a calendar with awesome pup photos! bit.ly/36QSqA7
Pick up a bag of dog food at the Why Not Travel Store OR buy a bag of dog food to donate (see here for specifics) to drop off at Barb's and hang out to play with the pups for a bit
Volunteer in any way you can-- https://www.barbsdogrescue.org/volunteer
Bring a dog (or 2 or 3!) to Barb's partners back in the US (they'll meet you). There aren't enough people looking to adopt in Rocky Point and this really helps increase their odds of finding a loving home!
Follow Barb's articles in the Rocky Point Times
For more about Barb's Dog Rescue of Rocky Point, please check out their website and social media channels.