Stateroom Details

In general, the higher the category number, the higher floor it is on the ship. If you're prone to seasickness, choose a room as close to midship and low as possible. Think of it like a see-saw. The center doesn't move while the two ends go up and down.

category 2
There are 5 inner cabins of this type without a sea view and comprising two lower beds, some of which can be pushed together. One cabin also has two fold-away upper pullman berths. (Average size 157 sq ft/.) Located on Deck 3 where the a la carte restaurant is. Please click below to view room numbers and locations.

category 3
There are 12 cabins of this type without a sea view and comprising two lower beds which can't be pushed together. All of the cabins also have two fold-away upper pullman berths. (Average size 172 sq ft.) Located on Deck 4 below Calypso entertainment deck. Please click below to view room numbers and locations.

category 4
There are 11 inner cabins of this type without a sea view and comprising two lower beds, most of which can push together. One of the cabins has a double bed. Six cabins have one fold-away upper pullman berth. (Average size 117 sq ft) Located on Deck 5 above Calypso entertainment deck. Please click below to view room numbers and locations.

category 7
There are 17 cabins of this type comprising two lower beds. Although located on the higher Navigator's deck, these cabins have an obstructed sea view and are priced accordingly. (Average size 127 sq ft) Located on Deck 6 behind the lifeboats. Please click below to view room numbers and locations.

category 9
There are 38 outer cabins of this type with a window sea view and comprising two lower beds, some of which can be pushed together. Some of the cabins also have either one or two fold-away upper pullman berths. (Average size 148 sq ft) Located on Deck 4 with reception and chapel. Please click below to view room numbers and locations.

category 10
There are 6 outer single occupancy cabins of this type with a window sea view which are a little smaller than category 11's. (Average size 123 sq ft) Two are located at the very rear of Deck 4 under the pool area, and four are toward front of Deck 5. Please click below to view room numbers and locations.

category JS

category DJS

category DPS

category OPS